Your search for '${data}' did not yield any results.
let w = window.innerWidth;
function setHeaderCssVar() {
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if (pcScorllHideEle) {'--header-scroll-hide-height-pc', `${pcScorllHideEle.clientHeight}px`);
function handlResize() {
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function init(){
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window.addEventListener('resize', window._theme_header_listener);
${data.index + 1}/4
I don't know about you, but I'm all "come on kids, let's get in the car and prepare for a wonderful day at school" but there is always that one kid that can never find his shoes, and then I'm the bad guy cause I lose my shit!
Scent: espresso yo' self
The best part of waking up is warm roasted Columbian coffee beans. Dark espresso with hints of buttery caramel and vanilla whipped cream create a balanced blend that will have your coffee cup on defense.
• 100% natural soy (grown and manufactured in the u.s.) • hand poured by the malicious women in Snohomish, WA • the finest custom blended fragrances • braided cotton with paper core wick (zinc & lead free) • no additives (uv inhibitors/ binders/ stabilizers or artificial colors) • easy to read, light and water-resistant labels • 9 oz. Reusable apothecary (3.75" high x 2.75 dia) jar with strong metal lid. • burn time: approximately 40 - 50 hours